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Martin Bartenschlager he/him


Martin Bartenschlager is a PhD student in political science at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education (Germany) since July 2021. The working title of his dissertation thesis is “Disintegration in the EU - On the necessity of expanding European integration theories”. His thesis will make a theoretical contribution to disintegration in the EU by analysing and correlating integration theories from political science, history, law, economics and sociology. It aims at demonstrating that disintegration does feature in theories of European integration. Thereby it counterargues on a meta level the established narrative of European integration as a linear, steadily growing process. Martin Bartenschlager studied political and administrative sciences in Hof and Berlin (Germany), with study visits in Perugia, Viterbo (Italy), Brussels (Belgium) and Lyon (France). He completed a master’s degree in European administrative management (Master of Arts) in 2014 and specialised in European integration from an interdisciplinary perspective. In his master's thesis, he discussed the potentials of the procedure of enhanced cooperation in the enlarged EU. Martin concluded his undergraduate studies with a specialist degree in public administration (Diplom-Verwaltungswirt FH) in 2011. In his diploma thesis, he compared the European citizens’ initiative to the petition for a referendum in the Free State of Bavaria. Based on the subject of his diploma thesis, he co-published the brief article on the European citizens’ initiative Bartenschlager/Schäfer: “Die europäische Bürgerinitiative. Neue Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten für Europas Zivilgesellschaft”, in PUBLICUS Der Online-Spiegel für das öffentliche Recht 2011.6, pp. 8-11.

Research Interests

Europe (Central and Eastern), Cleavages, Conflict, European Politics, European Union, Federalism, Integration, Political Leadership, Public Administration, Referendums and Initiatives, Regionalism, Political Sociology, Identity, Competence, Differentiation, Europeanisation through Law, Euroscepticism, Solidarity, Southern Europe, State Power, Brexit, European Parliament, Member States, Theoretical

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